Note: This is a wilderness trail, moose, wolf or blowing and drifting snow may obscure groomed tracks.

Welcome to the Banadad Trail Association (BTA) web site! The purpose of the BTA is to maintain and enhance the Banadad Ski Trails, preserve the history of the forest and the trail and promote appreciation and care of the BWCA wilderness. We are a volunteer organization open to all who share these goals.
History of the Banadad Trail: The Boundary Waters Act of 1978 called for the construction of ski trails within the Boundary Waters and authorized snowmobile grooming on some of these trails. The Banadad Trail was created when the United States Forest Service reopened the overgrown Finn and Tucker Lakes Logging Roads that traversed the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA). For more on the Trail's history, go to Banadad History.
Maintaining and Grooming the Trails: The BTA manages, maintains and grooms 41 kilometers (K) of public trails, including The Banadad Trail (27 K), the Lace Lake Trail (5 K), the Tim Knopp Trail (3 K) and the Tall Pines Trail (3 K). Our partners in trail management include the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the United States Forest Service and many trail clearing volunteers who contribute hundreds of hours of annually. Skiers are required to have a Minnesota Ski Pass and a BWCA day permit (free and are available at U.S. Forest Service permit boxes located at either end of the Banadad). The Trail Association is providing
free public parking at both ends of the Banadad.
Your support for this grass roots organization is vital to the future of the Banadad Trail System. We encourage you to join us. Your small investment will make a big difference. Thank you!