We cleared as much as we have in previous years with over 100 hours clearing but the trees keep falling.
This year we have had a number of very severe windstorms (mini - blowdown like). Some of our trail areas have quite mature Aspen (+40 years) and so we had many across the trail or serious learners. On one of our clearing trips we cleared in and had to clear our way back out; ugh!
Regards the season begins; We have MN DNR funding, two newer big tracking snowmobiles (in good working order this year), new roller compactor and improved tracker, purchased from our friends at Golden Eagle Lodge and a snowmobile basecamp trailer..
So stay tuned, we see how this weekend goes and the begin reporting on this Blog and Skinny Ski.
Andy Jenks
Here are some pictures from the Fall 2024 work
After (and Karen did this with a hand saw)
Other Pics from other sections